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Vegano Sin Gluten

Original salads

Saying no to milk, eggs, meat, and fish doesn’t mean you should be stuck always eating green salad and apples for snacks.

In fact, you can find a wide variety of recipes depending on seasonal ingredients and your tastes.

raw salad

You may not believe it, but when you close the door on some “mainstream” foods like meat, fish, and foods containing gluten like bread and pasta, you open an even bigger door than the last.

You discover options you did not know

From that moment, you begin to discover incredible foods and recipes that increase the flavour and nutritional values of your vegan dishes.

In this section, you will find different options of vegan and gluten-free salads that you will love, so that eating a salad is no longer boring.

Take a look at the recipes, find the foods you don’t know and above all, try them! Dare with new flavours! Give yourself the opportunity to meet and incorporate new dishes and foods into your diet. You will see that eating healthily can be fun!

Let’s make it easy

You may not have all the ingredients or utensils that we propose to use. To make it easier for you, we include within each page links to Amazon with everything you may need to make that recipe.

Virtually all the foods we include in these links are gluten-free. However, in those that may contain traces, it is clearly indicated in the description, next to the image of the product.

Benefits of eating salad

Without a doubt raw products are a natural source of fibre, vitamins and minerals in their purest form. By not cooking or processing them, they retain all of their nutrients.

raw aliments

Fibre helps lower cholesterol and fat levels in general, which will help you to control your weight. It also helps stabilise blood sugar levels which helps you control both your appetite and glucose spikes which are what make you binge on food.

Raw vegetables help keep your bones strong due to the iron in many of the green leaves you eat in salads, such as spinach or watercress.

Vitamin A helps to protect your eyes, beta-carotenes and the hydration they provide improve your skin tone, healthy fats protect your heart …

These are some of the benefits of including rich and nutritious salads in our diet. Remember that you can enhance them by adding sprouts.